Employment Application Form Detailed Job Description Contact Information First Name (required) : Last Name (required) : Email (required) : Phone : Address : City : State : Zip Code : What position are you applying for? —Please choose an option—Director of Community Programs and PeopleTheatre ManagerOperations Assistant References Please list two references that we may contact; one must be Professional Supervisor from a current or former job, internship or volunteer experience. Name : Relationship : Title : Company : Phone : Email : Name : Relationship : Title : Company : Phone : Email : Resume Please copy and paste your resume here : Please answer the following questions What past work experience and personal characteristics make you the best candidate of any other candidates for this position? (minimum of two paragraphs). Describe a situation in which you were required to demonstrate ingenuity to accomplish your goal (minimum of two paragraphs). Essay Questions In preparation for the interview, and so we may begin to get to know you, please answer the following essay question.This question is meant to challenge you creatively and to address some of the issues that unfold in any creative work environment. What is your ideal in life? What do you want to accomplish? What is it about this opportunity that you imagine will contribute to that ideal? (*required) Additional Considerations Please indicate any special concerns that you would like to communicate to us. How did you hear about us?(If on-line, please specify the website) (required) Please enter the value shown below :